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thought leadership

Keynote & Panel speaker

Gail is a sought-after keynote and panel speaker at global conferences and webinars, with a mission of opening minds and catalysing change for a better world.


She has spoken impactfully about a variety of topics: 

  • navigating the emotional and spiritual underbelly of money

  • investing in women, and women as investors

  • values-aligned investing, for a world we want to see

  • self-love: discovering our authentic voice to design an intentional life 

  • self-leadership: defining success on our own terms and the courage to live by it 



As a trauma-informed coach with deep experience in difficult conversations, Gail originates content and facilitates experiences that make challenging topics around money "feel light, relatable and normal”.


Her "skilful, careful and kind approach" creates "open honest and supportive" containers of "sacred trust” where thought-provoking exploration is sparked, blockages are unlocked, insights birthed.


Participants consistently take with them refreshing self-discoveries, heightened agency, bolstered courage - feeling "less alone - as well as tools and clarity about next steps. Many paying participants report breakthroughs, from as early as session 2. 

Press & content

Gail also collaborates with ecosystem partners, sharing lessons from her experience on podcasts, research features and articles.

Listen to Gail's interview by UBS on the gender funding gap:

Watch Gail's TEDx talk: "Mastering one's Relationship with Money":

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view more of gail's podcasts and articles:

Career choices, life philosophies, and investing in a world we want to see
Self-promotion, negotiating with power and grace, raising funds as a female founder
The world of VC: what place women have in it and what needs to change?
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Female-Led VC: Why women investing can change the entrepreneur landscape?

A lot of female founders tend to be passionate, so they come from that purposeful lens. There’s a journey in terms of integrating those pieces with risk. Any time there’s a big leap of faith, there is a big risk as well—financially but also reputably. As leaders, we have to find a way to belong to yourself first, in the face of uncertainty....

Kate Porter Yoga: Gail Wong — The role yoga plays in the life of a wife, mom, entrepreneur and a professional coach

I found that dedicating consistent time in stillness directly elevated my performance, as wife, mom, coach, business person, investor. Yoga could be seen as a guilty escape, or part of mission-critical training to being your best self, every day...

e27: These four women are changing the venture capital landscape across Southeast Asia

Leaving her cushy job as a corporate finance banker with Morgan Stanley in Asia, Europe, and US, Gail Wong started coaching business leaders to define and design success on their own terms. She also champions financial zen and mastery for all women through her coaching programs and community-building initiatives...

Financielle: Gail Wong, ACC -- Founder of Live True and Co-founder of Ladies Investment Club

I’ve discovered freedom and joy in “having no right answer”. In accepting the unknown, I create my own race, the only imperative being: to express myself authentically and work with clients who would value and benefit powerfully from my service...

KrAsia: From swimming with the sharks on Wall Street to bringing a gender lens investing approach in VC


Gail lends her expertise as judge/ advisor on entrepreneurship awards and pitches. 


She also holds select advisory roles in organisations she believes in:
- Circulate Capital, an investment firm driving the development of waste management and recycling solutions that prevent ocean plastic and advance the circular economy in South and Southeast Asia
- Angels of Impact, a social venture that aims to eradicate poverty through enabling women and indigenous-led regenerative enterprises to become sustainable businesses with lasting impact
- and has previously served on Beautiful People’s EXCO.

partners include:

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